
Level 2 Diploma in Progression to Further Study in Health Science Professions

ABC Awards Code D9943-02
Ofqual Code 601/5766/5
Assessment Pass/Fail Only
Total Qualification Time 450
Guided Learning 360
Fee £107.50

This is a nationally recognised qualificationaimed primarily at learners who wish to pursue a career in one of the health science professions which requires vocational study at university, but who are not yet ready to study at Level 3.

Learners who may be in this position include those who need to:

  • build a foundation of knowledge and understanding in an unfamiliar vocational area
  • prepare for higher level study after some time away from formal education
  • build the confidence, skills, knowledge and understanding required to progress on to Level 3 academic study
  • achieve an appropriate formal qualification in order to progress to a Certa Access to HE Diploma Health Science Professions
  • gain a substantial full Level 2 qualification.

This qualification is not available in an apprenticeship and is not primarily designed to lead directly to employment. However, it will support learners who are starting on their journey to a career in a range of health science professions or health careers, which is likely to increase their prospects of gaining employment in the future.

Examples of health care professions include nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy or radiography, for which a university course is usually required.  Other health related roles can include working in a hospital laboratory, or as a healthcare assistant, cytological screener, medical physics technician, dental hygienist or clinical support worker.